Originally Posted by kanisatha
Originally Posted by IrenicusBG3
Originally Posted by Archaven
I would say larian probably can get away with a very huge sales dues to nostalgia of the franchise. But what Larian didn't realize is that they put a sour taste in my mouth for what they are trying to do with the franchise. I'm getting the feeling of playing DOS2 enhance rather than really Baldur's Gate 3.

Exactly, I think Larian will easily ship 5 million. After all, It is more appealing than DOS 2 with the inclusion of cutscenes, so they will end up probably selling at least the same amount.
But D:OS2 didn't even come close to selling 5 million ....

There is no real data, only speculation. Steamspy says 2-5 M for PC only. Using NB correction by year of release you get 3.3-4.5 M for PC only.

But honestly, I find it hard to believe the overall sales is far from 5M. Just indirectly considering the overall good media reception and publicity across the internet, the jump in budget from DOS2 to BG3, the acquisition of new studios and the fact they tripled their number even before BG3 EA sales, I think it is a fair estimate.