Seeing people praise WotR's writing after having just abandoned Kingmaker on account of a hidden timer screwing me over with a character I wanted to have around and not having an extra save, but having already, um, appreciated how freaking awful its writing is throughout sure is a sight and a half.

Is it actually good, or are people just kissing its feet to spite BG3's defenders? Because I really, really doubt that something anywhere near compelling could come out of the writers who worked on Kingmaker's plot and characters. When the premise of you having a kingdom and having an army and such amounts to it all not doing anything in the plot (apart from helping to bypass one final overtuned skillcheck), and you effectively remain an adventuring schmuck who has to do everything themselves throughout the game, it shows that it has no legs. And it's rather difficult to feel anything about the Evil Disco Ball and Nero-wannabe and pretty much every other antagonist (Nyrissa especially, with whom there are random hints of your PC being infatuated with her, which appear outta freaking nowhere) when they are barely characters who don't exist outside of their specific chapter (apart from the Evil Disco Ball, but his motivation is basically non-existent, so it's a main villain with all the nuance of a child throwing a tantrum).

If Linzi was meant to be a stand-in for the writers (a specific writer?), then I say it's a perfect fit, given how bad she's at her job and how irritating a character.

Last edited by Brainer; 22/08/21 03:22 AM.