Originally Posted by Abits
Originally Posted by _Vic_
As I said above, there are e 7 difficulty modes and you can customize from the difficulty and strength of the enemies to the number of the enemies you face in every encounter, weak critical hits against the party, party speed, encumbrance, dead party members rise after combat, etc.
If with that kind of customization you still have problems with the overall difficulty of the game, I do not think the problem is in the videogame.

Maybe it´s not for you because, let´s be realistic, not many games will offer you more than this, you will hardly find games with more options than the ones offered.

If you want even more control to make your experience with the game exactly what you want, you can make your own mods and do the perfect game for your tastes. Check here

That's not an answer ("go mod it yourself"). Not many games provide such an extensive difficulty options, that's true. The fact that we got this means owlcat are interested in providing us options to customize the game to our liking. I think it's not perfect in execution, and I don't understand why do you get so defensive about it, since my point here is not shit on the game. I love this game

So "get good, practice" is not an answer, because the game is hard and if you do not have some skills you may suffer from high difficulties (even if you have tons of options to lower them to your tastes)
So "mod it yourself" its not an answer because you want a game with the difficulty tailored perfectly to your personal and particular tastes but you do not want to work for it.

What´s the answer you seek, I wonder?

ED: That said, I do not particularly care if you like it or not, if you play it or not, but I do not think you are trying to be particularly objective. I do not think you are not aware of the nightmare that is the option to add more enemies or with different tactics to an entire campaign. there is a reason many many games do not do it or simply add more HP and damage to the enemies in higher difficulties.
Saying the in the game "more work should have done with the difficulty" is pissing in the honest efforts of the encoders there. They do not have to, as many other games do, but they did. The game has (a lot) of flaws, possibly more until patched repeatedly, but pissing in the honest efforts of the encoders there offends me personally and profesionally, TBH, since it seems you do not really bother to do your own work to improve the game to your particular tastes.

Last edited by _Vic_; 22/08/21 07:00 PM.