I honestly don't think the hair is that bad. It's the whole outfit and makeup that ruin the look for me. I want to see something more like this when you first see her in the goblin lair:

Minthara was cloaked in shadow. There were a few torches and braziers around to provide light, but her desk was not near any of these. She purposely liked to sit in the shadows. It was intimidating to her underlings. She sat with arms folded and a look of quiet contemplation on her face as she listened to the reports she was receiving. She was a five foot seven Drow with a feminine physique hidden under a suit of black, custom plate mail armor. Though custom made, it was not form fitting. Minthara preferred what was practical over what was fashionable. She was not, like many, concerned with appearances. Form-fitting armor left little room between the person and the weapon coming at them. The armor was, however, made for an individual who was more slight of build as opposed to big and bulky. It was sleek and smooth to prevent the wearer from getting caught on anything. There were countless overlapping, shifting plates which provided her with flexibility and mobility. Each plate had a dark purple trim so that it appeared as if the suit was made of amethyst spider webs and not metal at all. And the armor was dull. Minthara did not like shiny. She preferred the dark metal to vanish in the shadows, not reflect every ray of light. The purple trim was the only thing that appeared when light touched it, and this only IF Minthara willed it. The trim, when activated, created the illusion that some sort of white webbing was shifting and moving around in the darkness; something enemies usually tried to avoid. Webs ensnared, after all.

At the center of the breastplate, there was the symbol of the Absolute. It was a slightly raised skull jutting out of an upside down triangle with a bloody handprint on its cranium. Like the rest of the armor, it did not shine. However, since it was overlaid with silver, it did stand out. This was something Minthara both loved and hated. She wanted all to see the Absolute and recognize her symbol. However, in combat, she wanted nothing to reveal her location. This was why Minthara also had a black cloak with dark purple trim. She was not wearing it at that time, but the cloak was hanging on a peg near her. If she wanted to hide her armor and hair, so a person couldn’t even see the white or the symbol of the Absolute, she would throw the cloak over herself and vanish. If her enemies knew where she was, she would throw off her cloak so that it didn’t hinder her or get caught on anything.

Minthara had short, white hair and a black, web-like tattoo on the left side of her neck. The web looked almost like an “A” with a pentagram overlapping the top of it. The base of the pentagram was the crossbar of the “A”. The lines of the tattoo were curved inward, not straight, which gave it the web-like appearance. Her red eyes shone brightly in the dim light, surrounded by patches of darkness. It was almost as if her eyes floated amidst black pools. Her bangs fell on both sides of her face, almost like spider legs, and the remainder of her straight hair was feathered back behind her pointed ears. On her left hip, she wore a mace with a gold cap on the end of the handle. The grip was of leather with a gold band in the center and at the opposite end. The weapon was clearly imbued with magic, for there were runes etched into it, and the symbol of the Absolute. Near her, resting against her desk, was a curved shield; also magical. The symbol of the Absolute was as large as life on its black, dull metal surface.