Originally Posted by Shandrath
You just described a long ranged Healer. Class is not the issue. SOMEONE needs to heal that downed character... On that particular turn Character A acted like a Tank. The next turn Character A acted like a healer. And I'm left wondering how ONLY the Cleric can heal? Why not throw a potion? POTION THROWER build => => someone has to play HEALER even in a party full of Fighters. Why does it have to be a cleric?
Every class can administer a healing potion to another character in D&D. But it requires them to be at touch range to pour the potion down someone's throat.

The throwing is what is too much and steps on the toes of classes who can magically heal from a distance. Unless the goal is to make classes bland and pointless. Which is obviously a mistake since that's the whole point of a class based system = having your own unique class abilities that bring something new to the party.

If class abilities can be duplicated easily by homebrew consumables like scrolls and potions it makes all the classes feel bland and boring.