Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
I think the thing that still gets me the most about BG3's cast is that out of all of the fantasy races they could have gone with, we already have 2 and a half humans out of 5 characters (which is literally half the current companion cast), and datamines indicate we're going to get one more.

Considering all full companions are romanceable, not going totally bonkers with diversity is a good thing. I like the fact the BG3 companions aren't token characters/stereotypes like in some other RPGs that blatantly force identity politics on the player. The individual personality and story is seriously complex and what matters most.

If anything, the most glaring lack in the BG3 companion roster can be found in romanceable options for male/straight players. Unless you're into being the submissive partner of rough "alien" sex, you've got one option. The rumored inclusion of another two female companions; a horned tiefling and a "furry" halfling, will do little to remedy that situation, whereas the three male companions are all more palatable for romance.

Different perspectives.