Originally Posted by MarbleNest
Originally Posted by mrfuji3
The great think about Kingmaker (and thus I assume will be true for WotR) is the extreme prevalence of tooltips. Most pathfinder-specific lore - locations, famous people, historical events, gods, etc - was highlighed when mentioned in dialogue. You could then mouse over these terms to get a description, ranging from a couple sentences to a few paragraphs. I was only barely familiar with the world of Golarion when I played Kingmaker; these mouse-overs gave me pretty much all the information and context I wanted and needed to understand the world and my place in it through the game's campaign.

Ohhh, I remember a few games have done that in the past and I honestly adored that method of feeding relevant background information to a player! Of course my other preference is in-game books to read, but a little database is just as good.
You're (likely*) in luck again! Kingmaker also had plenty of books** and notes to read, some which were plot-relevant and some which just added flavor to the world: histories, myths, fiction, correspondences, journals, etc.

*Again, might not be true for WotR. People who have played the Beta, can you comment on tooltips and books in WotR compared to Km?
**By books, I mean ~1-5 pages long. But I assume that's also what you meant.