I prefer Character Creation on Solasta, I can roll pretty good starting stats. Who ever heard of a Drow with a 15 dex. They are from all the D&D references some of the most Dexterous races out there. Not to mention you don't get max hit points for a warrior 10+2 four times I should be at 48 Hit Points. You Expect me to fight a spider with 136hp and it hits for 20 poison damage per shot with out max Hit points. I get some of you players like the Point Buy system but for old school players that have actually run professionally run games at game cons and Live Streamed games a Majority of us Prefer the Roll your stats way. Those are bragging rights sometimes. "Hey I got a Warrior with 18 Strength 18 Con you want to Crow about it. If you don't like what I said that's fine but 99% of my Viewers agree you should have stats rolls. 885K Subscribers agree. The Other 115k Either don't care or Cant decide. So I ask the Devs Please add stat rolls.