Originally Posted by ldo58
Originally Posted by ldo58
I'm in the blighted village. I went down the well, fought the phase spiders and left.
Now I want to go back down to get the amethyst, but trying to enter has now become impossible.
First it tells me to "use jump to reach", for all 4 party members. Of course you can't jump into the well from outside. But in the end I had one member take a jump from before the well to a spot closer to the well.
After that, the message changed to "can't reach".
So I could get into the well once, but not a second time.

On further reflection, the first visit was possibly before the installation of the latest hotfix.
So that hotfix would have caused the inaccessibility.
@RagnarokCzD : I knew about the second entrance, but I accidentally burnt the web-bridge while fighting the ettercaps. So it would seem that only Laezel can still pass with a long jump. Will go search for the third option. Thanks.

The weirdness doesn't end there. So I was standing in front of an alternative passage and clicked on a spot behind the hole to move on.
But the party turned around, ran out of the building , back into the open, to the well and went down that way.
So you can't move them in the well, but they will take the road through the well to go from point 1 to point 2 in the passages nder the village.