Oh! That's what you're referring to. I did that once just to see what would happen.

I'm glad you brought that up. That's a perfect example of what I'm saying. It's a hint at his true character. Give him an inch and he'll take a mile. If you LET him, if you drop your guard, he will kill you. So is he just some weak, flamboyant idiot, or is he a vicious predator undead vampire or vampire spawn who is just pretending to be trustworthy and nice so he can suck your blood dry when the right moment comes?

But honestly, even if the reason he kills you if you let him is simply that he's never tasted humanoid blood, and since you're letting him he's going to take full advantage of it even if it kills you, how is that terrible writing on behalf of the writers of the game? If you are going to let a vampire bite you, and then you are actually the kind of person who will let him continue to drain your blood until you die, then don't you technically deserve it? I mean, in the words of Obi Wan Kenobi, "Who is the more foolish; the fool or the fool who follows him?"

So if you're foolish enough to a) Let a vampire spawn bite you; and b) Let him continue to suck your blood and not shove him away, wouldn't it then be bad writing to have Astarion actually pull away at some point and say, "Ahem. So sorry to drain you for so long. I'd best stop before I kill you." Wouldn't THAT be more like a Twilight wannabe vampire person instead of a vicious, can't-wait-to-drink-your-blood vampire spawn who's just pretending to be weak and such until he can find the right time to kill you?

So, question is, did he MEAN to get caught trying to suck your blood, to test your character and determine how foolish you were, or did he truly get caught in some clumsy attempt to bite you? After all, the Narrator says something along the lines of, "You don't know whether you awaken because you detected him or whether you were just lucky." In other words, the writers imply that, at this point, you can't be sure if he MEANT to wake you or whether you just got lucky.

But I will say, unless it's just bad game design, which I admit is entirely possible, it sure seems to me like he intended on getting caught. After all, he creeps up on you IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CAMP WITH ALL THE OTHER COMPANIONS WITHIN 5 FEET OF YOU. So yes, either he's a total idiot or he meant to be caught. If he meant to be caught, then he's a manipulator and quite crafty, testing the waters to see what kind of person Tav really is. If he's an idiot, then fine. I 100% agree. If he's an idiot then it's poor writing by Larian and it really will be a total disappointment for me. He'll quickly go from one of my favorite characters to an absolute worst in very short order.

But that is also true for all of them. If they've all revealed their "greatest secrets" in the EA, and there's really nothing more to them, then I will be VERY disappointed indeed. But since Larian has said that we have no idea what is coming, I suspect that these "Grestest Secrets" are but small nothing backstory items. Their true secrets have yet to be revealed.

And the images back this up. Look at Gale's Lightning Spewing at Skeletons image. He's like an insane crazy person. Is that an image based on the future of the game, or is it part of his backstory? Same with Wyll and Mizora image. Wyll looked like some noble with Mizora on her back, and they appeared to be in some sort of smoking ruined wasteland.

Could just be my fan theories, but I suspect those images aren't future events. I think they are images of what these characters used to be prior to the game. But we'll see.

And yes, I have VERY high hopes for Larian. They've produced an awesome game so far. It quickly became my all-time favorite video game. After my first playthrough, I was totally hooked and couldn't want to play beyond EA. When I did my second playthrough, I was amazed that it was SUCH a different experience from my first playthrough. I've never played a game that I've actually wanted to play through so many times just to try out new and different avenues. I've tried to break the game multiple times; to do things I thought Larian would never expect me to do, and they DID!

So yeah, I have high hopes for them that if they put THIS Much into the EA, the rest of the game is going to be awesome. I can't imagine that they've worked this hard to set up the game this much only to have them drop the ball and be lame later. Granted, it could happen. Other games have disappointed me like that, but based on what I'm seeing, I have a lot of high expectations.