Well, I finally changed the beta to GOG and it´s going well so far. I (reluctantly) tried the superbuggy mounted combat with a kitsune arcane rider and it´s going well for now. It seems they fixed the freezing and they changed the collapsing range of creatures so it does not get stuck in narrow places. Now it seems in CQC the creatures could be closer to another to fight so they do not clutter like in the beta.
It seems the game is working, besides some minor bugs so far, nothing to write home about. They changed the character creation, adding more options, changed icons and some models for weapons and armour, etc.
Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
Lann is all about shooting things really well, and can pick up feats to become immune to and allows him to perform opportunity attacks later. He has one ability that adds an additional attack during the turn it is used,
If you meant flurry of blows, its always-on, it´s a monk thing, but zen archers and soheis could do that with bows too. Soheis could also do that with spears, polearms...
About Seelah, the Pallys are specialists fighting demons and evil creatures, so Seelah becomes a beast later on. If you want her to add more offensively, just give her power attack and switch to a two-handed grip at level 3 (you will miss the shield focus tho), and deadly aim to Lann; depending on the difficulty. If you see that they miss a lot just respec and try another thing
I like monks but I needed something else in the party so I put the high WIS of the mongrel to good use and multiclass him into a slayer inquisitor. It´s been fun so far.