Originally Posted by Avallonkao
Now that I finally played properly a few hours of WOTR I can say.... What a boring game, damn. It's so cliche that I lost my interest real quick. The first PF hooked me right after the CC, it was fun, the dynamic of how the adventure had started, and meeting the companions, the pacing, everything was amazing. This one, is just, generic, that's the word, this game is generic AF. ugh. I'll try to finish it at some point and maybe change my mind.

In this I'll say that BG is far superior, BG3 is actually fun, even in this stage, I was loving the game since the beginning, even with all its flaws, etc. I could see myself wanting to keep playing. Meanwhile, WOTR is already boring to me in ways that few games managed in recent memory. Also, a special note. I hate, despise their character creator and character models. PFKM was better even on this.

I admit that the beginning is a bit rough, probably about as rough as the start of DOS1 upon further thought depending on preferences, and the campaign in general might not be to most people's liking. But I've found that WotR is the type of game that really put its foot on the gas pedal and doesn't stop once you start the end of chapter 1 sequence. The end of chapter 2 and onwards especially were what really sold me on the game back during the alpha phase. The overall direction that the game goes after the first chapter really surprised me in a good way. The 'generic-ness' only really applies to the first chapter. Things... Aren't what they seem.

The game has some really amazing setpiece dungeons, and now that I think about it, a lot of recent cRPGs don't really have much in the way of dungeons to begin with.

Originally Posted by MarbleNest
I didn't have Deadly Aim going on Lann, but I did have... Rapid Shot, I think it was? Since I turned that off and only kept Point Blank active, he's not missing quite as often. Also found a nice enchanted longbow for him this morning, and I'm definitely noticing the improvements. I may go and retrain him depending on the Ranger spread once he hits his next level up, but for now it's working out pretty well!

Uh, yeah, you're going to want to respec Lann to get rid of that. It's a useless feat for him. There's a reason the game marked it as not recommended for him. His class comes with a passive that acts as having Rapid Shot turned on by default, without the accuracy penalty from it. And it doesn't stack with the actual Rapid Shot.

Also, another thing to help with Woljif's possible survivability issues is that you can pick up the Shield spell for him to boost his AC further. I believe he can scribe it through a scroll if you don't want to learn it at level-up.

You can talk to Hilor in the tavern to respec, though I think higher difficulties have companion retraining turned off by default. You'll need to enable it through the difficulty options if you need to turn it back on, though be aware this will set your difficulty settings to custom if you have to do this.

Last edited by Saito Hikari; 03/09/21 07:50 PM.