Originally Posted by _Vic_
Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
Eh. It might not be optimal, but at least it's interesting.

Sadly I don't think ranged mounted combat is a thing. Only thing more hilarious than blasting things with a spell and a volley of arrows in the same turn is doing it while mounted on a dragon that has 60 feet of movement per turn.

Though it's probably a bad idea, considering that I've observed that mounted combat currently involves merging the animal companion and rider's turns into one, so you can't do something like, say, move using the animal companion's turn and still get full attacks with the rider. Having Seelah riding her mount in combat came with a significant downside in that her mount lost the ability to trip enemies while she was riding it (assuming you built her animal companion for that), though it had other just as significant upsides such as essentially eliminating her movement speed penalty from heavy armour.


o.O That´s not exactly how it works. your wolf or leopard could still trip or trample or sunder armor, power attack. You just have to switch it the auto-sunder in the animal companion action bar. The wolf, leopard, etc trips automatically when you attack.
Is this claim theoretical or does it actually work like this for you? I turned on auto-trip in the animal companion action bar (right clicking the Trip icon) but my horse still just does a normal bite attack when my mounted MC attacks.

Originally Posted by Sozz
I've been playing a cavalier to see what the mounted combat is like, it's not great. typically you want to move, make an attack, and move again, but in 'real time' doing that requires a lot of micromanaging and in turn based mode (which still feels like easy-mode), I haven't been able to figure out how to do it.
Unfortunately, I don't think this is possible in TB given how pathfinder works. Or at least, how mounted combat seems to be implemented in Owlcat's version of pathfinder. Since you can't split up movement and your mount+rider is melded into a single turn, you can only move->attack or attack->move. Unless there's a "ride by" feat/ability unlocked later on...

Last edited by mrfuji3; 04/09/21 01:31 AM.