Like, all these dialogues, except the attack are about stuff that was told and answered a few moments before, like, literally the same demon explained her evil plan to the wardstone, and the dwarf and Irabeth explained who she was, etc.
That's why in this particular instance I chose option #3.
It's a matter of principles to leave those options in. There are reasons why a player would want to be reminded of a particular detail. Like in my case, it's not rare that I would be playing a game half asleep around 3 in the morning, then after I take my 12h sleep and get back to the game, I realize I'd skipped through the last 12 conversations without really registering anything into my brain. Or maybe like when my friend is trying to play the game when his two kids just keep fighting and screaming into his ears. He would keep selecting the option asking the NPC to explain things again, then turn to his kids to tell them to quiet down, and then realize he's forgotten what the NPC just said.
What disappoints me more is the fact that all these options are still mostly written in the plain, minimalist, unexpressive style like in P:K.
Last edited by Try2Handing; 04/09/2102:41 PM.
"We make our choices and take what comes and the rest is void."