EDIT: [SOLVED] I found workarounds for both issues.
With the help of a more experienced individual, I managed to find another projectiles.stat file burried in the editor. Deleting both removed it from the mod, thus allowing me to create a new one.

As for the references to all of the uninstalled mods, removing the savegames that used those mods does the trick.

These solutions aren't ideal, but as I have no qualms removing either of these things, I got lucky and it worked for me.

This still doesn't resolve the issue with the editor creating a corrupted projectiles.stat file, though.

I suspect that it was the .txt that was faulty, but I don't understand enough about this editor to say for certain.



I recently started creating my first mod for the D:OS2 DefEd and decided to go for a custom class of sorts, but there have been some issues. I dearly hope people here can help me resolve those. One of them actually prevents me from continuing to work on the mod without painstakingly recreating everything about it in a new project.


Issue 1: (most pressing)
The primary issue lies with the "Stats Editor" part of the program.

A few days ago, I created a "Projectiles" file under the "SkillData" of the project, but didn't add a whole skill, just a skill name, before deciding to check other stuff for learning how the editor works.
A few hours later, the editor crashed so hard that it brought my whole PC to a standstill for about 10 minutes.
I eventually managed to restart the program and found nothing amiss. I didn't check that new file, though, as I knew it to be empty.
Now, days later, I find that the editor can't open the project's "Projectile" file. I also can't delete it.
When I try to open it, the stats editor gives the following error message to the log:

[StatsEditor] Can not load document.
Detailed error message: Ein Element mit dem gleichen Schlüssel wurde bereits hinzugefügt..
Stack trace: bei System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
bei System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
bei Stats.StatsDataModel.Stats.Object.StatObjectContainer.<>c__DisplayClass10_0.<Load>b__0(XElement e)
bei System.Collections.Generic.List`1.ForEach(Action`1 action)
bei Stats.StatsDataModel.Stats.Object.StatObjectContainer.Load(XElement item)
bei Stats.StatsDataModel.Stats.Stats.Load(XElement item)
bei Stats.StatsEditor.Documents.StatsDocument.Load(String filePath)

Category: Editor
Count: 1

The German sentence in the error message states: "An element with the same key has been added already". The German word "bei" just means something like "at" in this context.
Is there a way to fix this without re-creating the whole project? I'm about 30-35 hours in now and while I could probably re-create it in about 15-20, that would still be 15-20 hours.
I was foolish enough to not make any backups, thinking that the editor would be stable enough as is.


Issue 2: (less pressing) [Found a fix for this one myself. I simply removed all savegames that called on the old mods. No need for this anymore. The other issue is still present, though.]

Furthermore, whenever I open it up, the editor always tries to load a lot of old mods. None of these mods are currently installed and their folders don't exist in the current installation. As such, the editor gives out error messages such as this:

Failed to load add-on "Odinblade's Scoundrel Class Overhaul" for mod "Divinity: Original Sin 2"!

Category: Code
Count: 1


[ls::Module::Load] filename "G:/GOG/Divinity - Original Sin 2/DefEd/Data/Mods/OdinbladeSpectreClass_a8aa3beb-796b-4dce-b661-755a55ed23a7/meta.lsx" does not exist, can't load mod!

Category: Code
Count: 1

I don't really know if this is an issue or if it can be ignored. It does annoy me, though, as seeking for other error messages is a lot harder with this stuff spamming the log.
Is there a way to have the editor not call upon all the mods I ever had installed?


Thank you for your time. I would be most grateful and very happy if someone could help me with this. smile

Last edited by Alak; 06/09/21 11:19 AM. Reason: Found a workaround