Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by Alyssa_Fox
No need to get defensive here, I'm just stating facts. .
I'm not "getting defensive", I'm saying that you are spouting nonsense.
And not even out of particular love for WoTR, since I didn't spare it my fair share of legitimate criticism so far.

Nonsense is saying that "an embarrassingly large amount of options at character creation is precisely that type of "paralyzing choice" that even casual players tend to love". It's basic psychology that people don't like too many option unless they are really into them, from Ancient Greeks and Aesop's Fables to modern psychologists like Barry Schwartz and the "paradox of choice" it's established, that the amount of options should be balanced to cause satisfaction and enjoyment instead of frustration and anxiety. There are hundreds of articles, lectures, podcasts from actual professionals and researchers about the problem designing a balanced amount of options and why too many options is bad, but you continue to believe that more is always better, even if it has been proven so many times that it's not how it works.