Originally Posted by Ixal
Originally Posted by Riandor
There is also too much time spent on a city travel map annoyingly waiting to see if you get into another pointless encounter that you kill in 3 seconds flat (normal difficulty). It feels like pointless time bloat and unnecessary clicking.

Yes it advances time and yes there is a night and day system, but in a city at war and on fire, meh, who cares.

There are also several timed quests and some areas change with the passing of time.
A thousand times better than BG3s never exploding ticking timebomb.
Well if there were, i don't remember seeing any in the first "act", other than when the messenger comes to get you. That is not to say others don't come later on (in fact travelling merchants later on for example I know of), but I was only comparing the EA of BG3 with a finished game, something I feel is unfair anyway. Not to say one cannot point out what is currently lacking in BG3/what one would like to see.

The non exploding timebomb is also inaccurate... what is poorly brought across so far is that we are not changing (at least not in the normal sense), because there is no "time" passing in game, only triggers, and the dialogue doesn't as yet match for me this concept that well, we have rested for 2 weeks and nothing has happened. It would be good if there was a dialogue trigger after so many rests where our companions begin to question what is actually happening.

Frankly in WotR it is the same though. I am in the middle of storming a building and after clearing many rooms I decide , oooof, need a rest. 20hrs later I am fully healed and ready to continue and the poor buggers downstairs are stil slogging it out. Yeah sorry, let's not go down that route, because neither game handles the initial ticking bomb part in any form of realistic manner. And Why not? Because players hate being rushed.

Last edited by Riandor; 06/09/21 08:15 AM.