Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
The really great thing about all of the unique reactivity with race/class/deity combined with the huge party/party banter possibilities is that it's leading to a lot of people passing notes about what they've seen. It's something I'm greatly enjoying as well, since I know I will never have the time to play through the game in the specific ways needed to witness everything for myself. Everyone's experience is entirely unique.

Kingmaker launch was kind of like that too, although it was more about discussing bugs in the end and damn near everyone being new to the setting/ruleset.

I haven't seen BG3 inspire that kind of behavior among the community just yet. Maybe with full launch it will.

Still, these games are really good at making your main character feel like they are uniquely your own, in a way I struggle to find in any other cRPG I've played for reasons I can't even fathom. It's a lot of small things combining to form a big whole. And somehow it manages this while still featuring companions that have far more depth than most other cRPGs, because it understands the concept of party banter being the primary tool to simultaneously flesh them out and have them feel like they are truly part of the world, rather than clashing with it.

+100, especially do the final paragraph.

Honestly, I think my only dislike thus far (aside from the many bugs still riddling it... Daeran is taking a permanent -5 damage which immediately heals back due to a bug with Life Link, and I'm having weird 13% area loading hangups when weather is going on in the area), is the Crusade Mode.

It just feels... bad. There's little strategy to manual fighting besides brute forcing and hoping for the best, with a few skills available from unit types or the general; you lose numbers faster than you can replenish them; strength levels are completely imbalanced, with a level 1 unit somehow able to mow your higher numbers down easily. I was consistently having trouble with advancing and clearing areas to the point I gave up on it and put the whole thing on Auto - which I now can't take back, a decision that seems excessively punishing considering some Mythic paths have quests related to the Crusade Mode later.

It's just not a good addition, and it being so integral to advancing the story and allowing you access to more areas just feels pretty awful because of how badly it's built.

Last edited by MarbleNest; 06/09/21 12:18 PM.