I wish I could get into BG2. I still can't get into it because its mechanics are still a bit too obtuse for my small pea brain. Not a fault of the game itself though, just a personal deficiency of mine.
On the topic of bugs, there is something in all of this. I remember when POE2 launched, there were a lot of people talking about major gamebreaking bugs at various points in the game, though I somehow did not run into any personally as I pretty much marathoned the game in a week.
I remember hearing offhand that DOS2 launch was also a really buggy experience the further you got into the game, but I think most people had either forgotten or never made it that far into the game before they were patched out.
BG3 won't be an exception. It's simply the nature of cRPGs in general. There was already one major bug in people abusing the camera to jump out of bounds as seen in speedruns (and coincidentally the same exact thing happened in D:OS2 speedruns), and Larian's apparent answer to that in regards to BG3 was to lock the camera panning to a certain radius around the selected character. Unfortunately, said camera really struggles with large differences in elevation right now, which has infuriated me enough to drop my current playthrough and wait for the next patch to see if those restrictions are loosened a bit. If not, I would consider a mod to remove the camera panning restrictions to be essential if it continues struggling with elevation.