I haven't got back to WotR for 3 days (still at the market quest in the prologue) cause I've been doing my 2nd Kingmaker run and still having fun and I want to finish it. But the posts in here make me think it's best if I hold off on getting back to WotR, but man I'd rather not have to wait for another 2-3 years like with Kingmaker.
Oh come on. Kingmaker was in a perfectly playable (no bugs worth mentiong) state within about 6 months of release max. And claims here of WotR being "buggy" are clearly exaggerated. Yes there are bugs but nothing truly show-stopping, which is eminently reasonable at launch.
And for people whose standard is no bugs at all, good luck finding such a game (and that includes future BG3).
I'm less worried about bugs than I am about extremely questionable combat balance aka encounter design. Bugs are a given, and major bugs will be fixed so it's just a matter of time. I'm also playing just a plain rogue, so I'm even less worried about class-related bugs. It's the questionable combat balance that is what has higher tendency to ruin your fun, and in the worst case scenario, make you hate the game. Out of all the games of this genre that I've played, Kingmaker is the worst offender that is on a whole different league compared to every other game when it comes to this. I can't recall any other game with which I have to so often ask myself "What the hell kind of drugs were they on when they designed this?" Imagine being thrown into a fight in which you're surrounded by what, 20+ enemies, among whom are 3 Defaced Sisters, without giving any sort of hint to players that there may be a fight ahead, meaning that not only your team are totally unbuffed, but there's a good chance that they may even be fatigued from all the traveling. This is exactly what happened in my first playthrough. I decided to play their game - no prebuff, no rest - and took me a good while to win this one. It was a brutal fight at the end of which all my party were dead except for Valerie who had a ring that did constant aoe damage to nearby enemies.
I certainly could just play on easy until the game is in a better state, but I honestly don't want to have to do this for my first playthrough.
Last edited by Try2Handing; 08/09/2109:37 AM.
"We make our choices and take what comes and the rest is void."