Originally Posted by kanisatha
I have to agree. This is where I was very happy Larian ditched KS for BG3, and that Obsidian and inXile will also not be going to the KS well ever again. The crowd-funding approach was great several years ago when this genre of games we all here love so much was on the verge of extinction. But now it has become more problematic than beneficial, especially in the area of forcing devs to come up with cockamamey ideas and promises to bring in more funding and then not implementing/being able to impleement them well.


I think WotR is hopefully going to make enough money that I'd hope that Owlcat goes with an early access model in the next game instead. Especially because beta testers and dataminers had the capability to spoil damn near everything about the game before release. Not to mention people who would inherently pay to get into the beta are the same kind of people who are usually seasoned veterans to the genre and would straight up ignore certain legitimate flaws in their feedback, that players less familiar to the genre will run face first into.

Although I have to point out that even discussing the possibility of a third game is exciting, since most cRPG series end up stalling at the second title for whatever reason.