My problem with the alignment system was always that tying it to race feels a bit fantasy eugenics-y. But they've mostly fixed that these days and it corresponds more to religion and social mores, at least if I'm understanding the cosmology correctly.
Also picked up WoTR and completed the first act. It seems decent so far but I'm not particularly blown away by anything. I'm playing cavalier and the opening dungeon crawler happens in a lot of tight corridors, making it easy for my horse to constantly get stuck. Also, there are a lot of trashmobs. RtwP helps alleviate the tedium a bit but it feels more like a band aide than anything. Even though Woljff and Nenio are probably my favorite companions so far, the introduction of Seelah made me realize how much I agree with people asking for a straight up 'good' companion in BG3. Wyll and Gale are bros (although I remain wary of Gale) but they're also clearly hiding some messed up secrets.
A lot of the WoTR VA work and dialogue is straight up awful, though. Just way too clunky and expository. One thing BG3 really hits out of the park is the voice acting, something that even with a budget can be tricky to get right. Kudos to them for that.
Edit: I’ll also add that WoTR is so far doing a better job balancing player freedom and narrative restrictions. BG3’s design philosophy feels a bit too sandbox at times and it gets in the way of the story they’re trying to tell.
Last edited by MyriadHappenings; 14/09/2103:34 AM.
“But his mind saw nothing of all this. His mind was engaged in a warfare of the gods. His mind paced outwards over no-man's-land, over the fields of the slain, paced to the rhythm of the blood's red bugles. To be alone and evil! To be a god at bay. What was more absolute?”