Originally Posted by Alealexi
I saw a thread in WotR where the red dragon was going 2d6+56 damage in chapter 3 and another creature was doing 1d3+30 damage. Seems to be bugged on other chapters before 4 as well.
I just ran into a Ferocious Schir with 31 AC in Daeren's manor when you go to meet him the first time, and I thought it made absolutely no sense it had got to be some sort of oversight. There is just no reason for the brawl at Daeran's manor to be a "challenging" fight to begin with, and even if there were, 31 AC just, again, makes no sense. Sure you can hit it with touch attacks but it's not like you go in there expecting something to have that kind of AC to prepare touch attacks in abundance. The only way I could beat this thing was reloading until Ember's Slumber worked then hoped that I'd be able to kill it with a Coup De Grace.

And only when I had to fight 2 babaus at Horgus' mansion did I recall that, someone said somewhere that the devs themselves said Hard mode hasn't really been balanced.

Anyway, after a few more hours (just hit level 5) I gotta say this game. Is. Unfinished. As. Hell. Wonder what reason they had to force this thing out the door in this state.

"We make our choices and take what comes and the rest is void."