I don't know why so many swear by Pathfinder: Kingmaker. I find the game to be very glitchy and though it has some elements I like, it is not as fun as BG3 is already, and Kingmaker is complete.

Like I said, there are some elements I like, and I will admit that it has more of a look and feel to it that is similar to BG1 and 2, but I have enemies doing attacks of opportunity on spellcasters almost constantly, even when my spellcasters are NOT in melee range. I have potions not work. I have situations were spells just don't get cast, with casters who have no armor.

I don't know. Maybe it's my computer or maybe I need to reinstall, but I find it a bit frustrating.

There are other things, but ultimately, I definitely like BG3 better.