As for WotR, a lot of what I'm hearing about bugs comes across as silly whining. What the general consensus appears to be is that most of the bugs are very minor annoyances and nothing more than that. To the extent there are game-breaking bugs, and those do exist especially in the later chapters, Owlcat is being superb, as usual, in fixing them very fast.
I was able to work around most of the quest blocking bugs but I've hit a game blocker.
I left the main quest dungeon mid quest to check on the status of one of my forts (the game won't let you access the campaign screen in the middle of a dungeon) and that confused the game. Clearly, was expected to complete that quest and then return to the campaign screen.
My save was corrupted so that it gave very long loading time and then a hang. Even worse it seems that corruption has somehow spread to other other saves.
I'm reinstalling but may need to start over -- which is saying something because it took me a loooong time to get the end of chapter 3. And, apparently, chapter 3 is one of the better polished chapters.
There are some really good things about the game but the bugs are beyond annoyances -- QA should have said "no" to the release date.