Originally Posted by Rhobar121
The game has few more serious problem.
You're always one bad roll from death, and that's not even an exaggeration.
In act 3 (and even part of act 2), Owlcat starts throwing enemies at himself who just love to kill your tank in one round (without even a critical hit).
The game is so unforgiving that usually when your tank dies, you can also load the game. The worst part is you can't save while in combat.
Another thing is giving the enemy mass stuns with a huge range that is turned off by the entire team for a million turns.

You can complain that BG3 expects you to rest after each fight, but it looks like in Pathfinder, the further you are in the game, more and more often you are forced to rest. At this rate, until the end of actu 3, I will have to rest after each fight (or use millions of hp potions)

There is a significant difficulty spike in C3 - but it should still be possible to clear most maps in a single go.