Originally Posted by Black_Elk
I only had to reply cause I'm intrigued by this last dash! I haven't played with her, but I can get into a little Pyrrho style empiricism in my D&D, or rolling with a Crates or Hipparchia type in the party. Those are my dogs right there! lol Though somehow I doubt it's done up in the ways I'd wish. Let us know how it goes though. I might launch again and chase my tail for a few, if it ends up decent hehe

Yeah,it's kinda interesting. I think the writers are into:

a) existentialism and pessimism. We have different responses the meaningless of life. Daerun knows the world is going to end soon so he doesn't take anything seriously and endlessly indulges his hedonistic desires. Ember knows there's not point to it all and life is meaningless so she makes the most of what she is given. They're interesting polar opposites on the same spectrum.

b) vore and slasher horror. Camilla. Shudder.