I'm just going to throw my 2 cents in there about WotR, which I know isn't exactly the most popular opinion (at least on the Pathfinder sub). This game honestly shouldn't have been released so early. I've experienced nothing but game breaking bugs in every chapter, with pretty much every aspect of gameplay. I have at least 3 quests that I can't even complete because the game doesn't register certain Mythic path's choices, or because specific dialogue or enemies don't spawn. Sometimes dead enemies re-enter dialogue again and force you to go through their whole conversation before you're able to exit. The map designs are also really terrible, considering how faulty AI is and how for some reason Owlcat really likes to stick enemies in front of where you enter an area. There's just waaaaaaay too many times my Companions have gotten stuck behind each other in a narrow lane unable to do anything because of this sort of map design. The game, while fun, has been nothing but really terrible gameplay. All these bugs are more than I've experienced in the EA of BG3. I really don't know why people are excusing the Owlcat devs for this. There's just no excuse, honestly. Even other smaller time indie game devs have managed to make smoother running games.
Also, as a side note for anyone about to do Camellia's Companion quests (as non-spoilery as possible): be careful what you take (don't for a specific necklace.) Seriously. It will force your loads to run at an abysmal pace.
Originally Posted by Rhobar121
I'm already quite far in the game and just realized something. Since the beginning of the game, I have never been attacked while resting. I wonder if this mechanic even exists or the game is just lying.
It does exist, but it's only if you're sticking the wrong Companions into the wrong slots. The game seems to be pretty forgiving so long as you're not rolling poorly with disadvantages.