Originally Posted by Niara
Originally Posted by Yglika
b) I realize some people dislike it (this I don't really understand but everyone has his/her own preferences and mine are no better than the others).

To perhaps help the understanding aspect:

What should this voice sound like? The way you imagine your character to sound? The way I imagine mine to?

... Like some vaguely urban British woman trying to make a career for herself as a budget price VA for an up and coming game studio?

Should they sound gruff and serious? Should they sound suave and smooth? Should they sound innocent and uncertain? Maybe sinister and cruel?

If the dialogue selected is gruff and serious, they should sound gruff and serious. If the dialogue is suave and smooth, they should sound suave and smooth.

Unless they have a system where you can type in your own words for each reply, then you won't have complete control over who your character is anyway.

If they are going to make it an interactive cinematic experience, they should at least have one male and one female voice, along with a button to mute them for those who just can't stand it.

For Oghma's sake though, at the very least don't cut to a closeup of Tav not saying anything with that thrice-cursed neutral expression during his/her response. Cut to B-roll. Show the crackling fire. A closeup of the glowing lichen on the walls. Anything else.