@_Vic_ Yeah it's not quite about "optional bosses are more difficult", but - according to what I've seen people say - it's the way Owlcat throw them at you. These super strong enemies tend to be dropped out of the blue on your party, and sometimes right after a major fight or some hard puzzle. It's unexpected, and there are a lot of such encounters in the game. Unlike Kangaxx or Demogorgon when you know or at least guess there will be a fight, because there's a lengthy buildup prior. People who forget to save just for a minute, or simply do not expect there will be a "puzzle fight" just around the corner, tend to lose progress when their party get wiped.
Originally Posted by _Vic_
PD: I assume you already read it, but in the final fight of Drezen
Yes, that's why I googled it. I more or less guessed there's something special about the fight (like a cutscene triggered under special condition), so I looked it up just to figure out what I should focus on, so I didn't have to waste time suffering unnecessarily. When I tried again I insta-gibbed the guy. It was the result of not caring about doing everything in one go without rest anymore. I rested one whole day right outside the boss room, after beating the guard squad. Was able to buff the party more proper and got the chance to try out Cave Fang. I spammed Cave Fang within the 1st round until the guy failed his save and fell prone, then in just a heartbeat the fight was over.
@_Vic_ @Tuco I think the key here is that "slight bias toward the player".
"We make our choices and take what comes and the rest is void."