I forgot to attach some imgs to illustrate what I was saying.
Not the biggest numbers. All the numbers showed at the same time cause they happened essentially within a fraction of a second. It's always the goddamn "attack of opportunity". And it wasn't just damage. Two of these characters caused guaranteed fear every hit (Thug's Frightening + Cornugon Smash) with an aoe fear upon kill (Dreadful Carnage) and the female tielfing char also Trips every hit (Pummeling Bully, also basically guaranteed, with 60+ CMB even close to 80 with True Strike).
That's why the question to me is, why playing a spellcaster, if not simply "cause I like playing a wizard!". The need for controlling spell is minimal because you kill things so fast with the amount of damage physical attacks dish out. You just need a dedicated tank to attract everyone's attention for a short while. There may be the occasional enemy who is immune to crits, immune to sneak attacks, immune to knockdown, takes half physical damage. Then you may need a sorc or Arcane Trickster who can Hellfire Ray him into oblivion, or some funky attacks that damage DEX for example cause said enemy has exactly 1 DEX, or some weapon that deals pure Force and/or Divine damage or something similar. Stuff like this, for example:
In short, spellcasters are only really needed for "trick fights". For shenanigans. For meme tactics. Not for general encounters. Also not even necessarily boss fights, unless a boss fight is also a trick fight.
I'm aware that this also has a lot to do with Owlcat's way of designing encounters, and not just because of the rule books. But how I feel about the way 3.5e treats casters is still the same. Making martial stronger is understandable, but the harsh punishment against spellcasters is too much.
Last edited by Try2Handing; 25/09/2111:07 PM.
"We make our choices and take what comes and the rest is void."