Hmm. How do I talk about this at all...

Sosiel's chapter 4 quest and a huge surprise regarding your companion roster.

There's a secret companion, bringing the base companion list up to 12.

1) Seelah
2) Camellia
3) Lann
4) Wenduag
5) Woljif
6) Ember
7) Daeran
8) Nenio
9) Sosiel
10) Regill
11) Arueshalae
12) Trever

He is found though Sosiel's quests, and you need to have handled Sosiel's quests earlier in the game in very specific ways in order for his brother to survive and join the party. He has a crazy multiclassed setup that I straight up don't understand at first glance, but it appears he specializes in two handed weapons and cleaves. I went and recorded it since it looks like there's no video documentation of it yet.

Last edited by Saito Hikari; 26/09/21 05:58 AM.