I might remember his touch ac score wrong, but it definitely wasn't high enough to cause problems (playing on core). I usually have Ember open up with evil eye & cackle anyway, though admittedly I have not checked if it works on all ac types. As for SR, conjuration spells tend to ignore it and with ascendant element energy resistance is not an issue either. I have Woljif (& Daeran with second mystery) set on snowballing most of the time. Even with mages you can help the odds, eg. Sosiel's domain abilities. And then there are alchemist holy bombs which work on 90% of enemies.

My issue with WotR is that this bloating of AC, AB and SR means that either you min-max your character to hit those values, or you better use the few things that target touch ac & ignore SR. And if someone is new to the game system, they will have problems with that, even moreso due to class-related bugs and things not working as intended.