The IA of the enemies need some improvements, but I`ve seen minotaurs and Chirs charging my casters in the back row ignoring the tank and the AoO, melee fighters ignoring the summons and targeting the summoners, Illusionists targeting the will saves of fighters, enemies ignore paralized or disabled targets, archers picking the enemies with the lowest AC and they seem to like bashing Ember and Nenio an a lot for some reason. Have you tried to activate the "improved enemy behaviors" in the difficulty options? Even dretches could be annoying with those stinking clouds.
Ed: About the barrelmancy topic, I personally do not mind, there are not many games of this type that offer you options to use the environment in your favor. I agree it needed to be toned down because it was too easy to use. That said, I do not understand the problem. Neither DoS games or Bg3 have PVP, if you do not like that exploit, you simply do not use it, but let others that do enjoy it.