Do the difficulty presets also now affect enemy DR?
I've had a couple fights now against demons with a DR5 / cold iron, good. However, when Wenduag attacks them with a long bow (no cold iron arrows), the reduction always seems to be but -2 from the damage roll.
(Playing on normal presets, with the exception of adjusting enemy damage to 100% and disabling companion auto-leveling).
Picking up from this RE: DAMAGE RESISTANCE.
I've now posted this on several places and nobody could answer. However, recently somebody took a closer look in his save (on "normal") and replied he'd encounter much the same.
He faced enemies with DR of 10, actually. Yet, the DR applied would be only 5.
So I'm suspecting there is a difficulty setting which basically slashes the DR actually applied in half -- and that setting is set like that on "Normal". (It's not the enemy damage modifier, which I've manually increased to 100%, as said).