I've been for years a big fan of "systemic gameplay" but if there is one thing I can't stand about Larian's design philosophy is how they love to self-indulge in a fairly masturbatory way for their own broken mechanics. One key point of systemic design should be precisely that when you have several interacting subsystems you should understand the importance of limiting their potential for exploits.
Larian on the on the hand is perfectly aware of the exploits being there and knows perfectly well how litte work it would take to limit their influence, but it doesn't even try because the directors/lead designers are under the impression that "It makes the players feel clever so it's amusing". And the saddest thing is it could be, if the whole Rube Goldberg machine would give even just a partial illusion of putting any effort in staying a bit grounded in... I don't want to say reality, but at least some resemblance of verisimilitude.
I have to agree. I also don't see this as amazing in any way but rather as complete bullshit. This is not ingenuity. This is ridiculous cheese to the Nth degree.