Originally Posted by Ixal
Originally Posted by spacehamster95
Okay setting aside people getting triggered by the fact that you can do this by spending 3 hours carefully placing stuff on the map, can we just be amazed that you can actually do this in this game? Like, this is some next level environmental intractability. Gave me "Cercei blowing up the Sept of Baelor" vibes. I fricking love BG3.

Only that you are not really interacting with the environment at all. You are just placing traps everywhere and no one reacts to it.

One other thing, Wrath has a lot of companions which are specific to certain choices or even paths. In BG3 you can miss companions when they die (or you kill them), but I wonder if they will implement companions which are missable unless you do something specific. But considering how much effort a companion takes with all the cinematics I doubt Larian will have one which can't be used by everyone every time.

Maybe. However, there are rumors that they will lock the party at some point, which would be very close to the opposite of allowing all party members to be used by everyone all the time. That's more of a Bioware thing.