I really like this Pathfinder web vid, and I really like the game.
More recently again though it occured to me that (similar to the IE games, really), the environment as such is pretty static. (At least you can already use spells way before a combat is triggered, rather than being artificially restricted, unlike in say Pillars Of Eternity -- else the above video would not exist). It was during (early-game chapter 1 spoiler)
the siege on the tavern. The game threw waves of enemies at me, and sure, ranged characters attacked them from the roofs and such. But it would have been amazing if you could have actually interacted with, e.g. destroyed or pushed the ladders with which they climbed the walls.
I was almost "shocked" when in the Deadfire DLC I was able to distract NPCs by pushing books from the table (which they would pick up) -- usually nothing there is actually much touchable, except for loot for you to pick up (and the occasional prompt that triggers descriptive texts of a location or item).
That's what you get when your main inspiration and ideal is the Infinity Engine in general. Truth is, compared to Ultima it was relatively limited in terms of world interactivty even back in the day. I'm not advocating for the next few Pathfinder games to turn into Ultima, exploits such as this included. https://www.it-he.org/u9_otwab.php It's also certainly not advocating there to be more explosive barrels. ;-) However, I'd certainly like there to be a tad more of that, and there seem scenarios (see spoiler above) when it feels artificial and restricting you cannot actually "touch" anything but the loot.