Originally Posted by GM4Him
I've been playing so much BG3 that I neglected Solasta, so I haven't beaten it yet, but so far, it is definitely better than PF. I was fighting 2 minotaurs last night and thought about the minotaur fight in BG3. Solasta's minotaur fight was 1,000 times better. My characters were level 6, I snuck up on them, got surpise round, killed one before they got a chance to act, but that sucker took 2 fireballs and a Guiding Bolt, plus my ranger had 2 attacks with his heavy crossbow and Hunters Mark. But when the second charged my dwarf cleric after stomping his foot and roaring... Awesome! That's how a minotaur should act. Not jumping around like Hulk and doing a Hulk smash and getting like a million attacks.

Anyway, back to PF. So frustrated with it right now. Can't figure out what to do now, wandering aimlessly, running into enemies that are too tough. I'm about ready to just stop playing.
That is because Solasta plays as D&D is meant to be played. I liked the combat in that game so much that I want random encounters to trigger when travelling, whereas in PF I always roll my eyes. That coming from someone who does not like TB that much.