On "Normal" in WOTR, the enemy setting is set to "slightly weaker enemies". This means, amongst others:

- reduced enemy AC
- damage reduction basically being slashed in half (!)
- swarms appear to to take more damage

I started the game playing on "normal" with enemy damage adjusted to 100%, just as I did with Kingmaker (was fine on Kingmaker really with a few spikes providing a bit of an added challenge), but I've now changed it as so far there has barely been anything really challenging in there (and I'm not a player of the P&P). And I'm now at least halfway through chapter 2. This could be in parts influenced too by that I'm playing exclusively TB so far, whereas Kingmaker I had finished RT exclusively.

They still seem to have nerfed things a lot, enemies too. Whilst there are optional fights that can be a tad harder than the average mob, even this relatively far into the game I've yet to face anything remotely on the level of the optional wererats in very early Kingmaker.

Reactivity from what I remember of Kingmaker, seems much improved from Kingmaker though. There's even stuff referencing to the deity you pick in creation (and not merely dialogue, but also the adventure book parts). May even lead to an extra quest (not sure yet).

Additionally, in my last session my Tiefling was visiting a remote village. Both their priest and the town folks referenced to me being an unusual sight. Would have even better if that had further consequences, such as them not trusting me, not actually wanting to deal and trade with me (true to the character creation description about fear and mistrust towards Tieflings).

But there appear to be neat touches all over the palce. [b][/b]

Last edited by Sven_; 05/10/21 08:38 AM.