Final Fantasy XII had a gambit system and it pre-dated Origins's tactics system by 3 and a half years. The only worse thing about it was that because for some godawful reason, you had to purchase the gambit options from a shop instead of it being something you could completely customize from the start. I distinctly remember an interview where Bioware devs even said that their tactics system was inspired by XII's gambit system.
The only reason DA Origins took all the credit for it was because the FF fanbase had a legendary meltdown over XII's very existence, namely it having a more mature open ended narrative that completely flew over most of the fanbase's heads at the time compared to the usual JRPG teen angst writing present in most of the previous entries, and the combat/gameplay loop being very different from the linear experiences of most other entries. Condemning the main series into being helmed by hack writers for the next 15 years, while most of the actual good writers went to work on FFXIV instead. At least XVI actually has a chance to have a coherent story since it's being helmed by former XIV staff, while the usual suspects are working on the 7R trilogy and whatever the hell FF Origins is supposed to be instead.
At the very least, XII is getting some actual respect from an aging fanbase now, and some have woken up to how brilliant the gambit system was. Both SE and Bioware abandoned their respective systems because people don't know what's good for the long term.