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Originally Posted by Teedy1
Not sure why you are saying their communication has nothing to do with it
That is main problem with pronouns i have. laugh
Depends on what do you imagine under that *it* ...

Concidering rest of your reactions, you are talking about "what Larian could do better" ... and in that case i totally agree, they could do all that better.
If we would know some roadmap, or plans, or to at least sometimes see wich feedback is appreciated, and wich is irellevant for them ... that all would help a lot, not even single doubt on my mind. laugh

But in my reaction, aka when i said that "their communication has nothing to do with *it*" ... that *it* was based on complaint that was mentioned here: "Patches do not bring enough content" ... since no matter how well, or bad Larian will communicate with us, amount of content within patch will remain unchanged and therefore it have nothing to do with *it*. wink

Originally Posted by Blade238
1.) Again, there's not enough content added to "try" it. I became bored enough with the content that was there with the initial release, then I forced myself to play more with the subsequent patch or two. Why would I force myself to trudge through it in order to test one new class that took SIX months to add. A single class is not enough for most people to bother redownloading the game (as evidenced by the 4% that still play).
There is not much reasons to repeat the same sentence ... i understand the fact that its not enough for you ... i asked for your reasons ... and to tell me its "not enough content to try it" ... will tell me nothing more that the previous sentence that you "dont feel any urge to come back".
That is just the same statement told by different words, not reasoning. laugh

Well we can allways agree to disagree ... and im little affraid that this cannot end differently. smile

But if you ask about my reason why i come back "in order to test one new class that took six months to add" ... for myslef its mainly to explore what else was by those six months added. laugh
Maybe im just sloppy ... but i finished this game aproximately 20-30 times by now (515,6 hours) ...
And i can tell you with one hand on heart and another on bible, that in every single gameplay i find at least one thing (no matter if that was conversation, some alternative option to solve some quest, some artefact i didnt know about) that i had no idea until then that it was there. smile

So, for myself ... its still fun to return there ... and i dont play just new classes, after every patch my first gameplay is with my Warlock ... no matter what.
Mainly bcs i check if they finaly fixed Devil's Sight ... so i can finaly enjoy that incredibly OP build when i will be sending death and ruin on my enemies from cozy place in my own Darkness. laugh But it still counts. :P

Originally Posted by Blade238
3.) Your question is what do you want, thus it's entirely relevant.
You were complaing about amount of content ... i asked what do you want ... it seemed logical to me that im keeping topic to amount of content, i hope we both dont want to devolve this dicusion to the level worthy of harward lawyers ... when we would give each other 50 paiges long esey to ask something so simple, but avoid any possible missunderstanding. -_-

Originally Posted by Blade238
4.) Nope. I want enough content to warrant a playthrough where I don't feel like I'm being forced to do chores.
Yeah ... this is once again the same sentence you allready told, but it tells nothing. laugh

Originally Posted by Blade238
As I wrote above, if they were to take the criticisms to the nonsensical world building and map design seriously, then they'd have to completely redesign entire pieces of the game.
They still dont need to ... actualy map we curently use could easily be just cut to pieces and used as hubs ... no need to redesign entirely. smile
As i said, the world need to be created first if you want to start tuning it ...

Problem here is that Larian obviously dont want to ...
And that is something we should understand aswell ... we could provide feedback, sure that is our purpose here ... but they are the one who will decide wich feedback they wish to listen to and wich not ...
Wich kinda returns us to that it would be incredibly helpfull if they would tell us, but that is still different topic. laugh

Originally Posted by Blade238
Small adjustments can be made in EA. The problem is that we're now a year into EA and thus I'd assume a substantial amount of content was added to the rest of the game that none of us are privy to. Unless EA is going to run for the next decade, then the pace at which we're included into anything (I use that loosely because of the terrible communication) nothing we do in EA matters. It was just made to build hype and pretend to care about feedback and consumer input (as though it were a crowdfunded title).
Nope ... any adjustment can be made in EA ... and after EA too, that is whole point of moding. laugh
True, sometimes to adjust one thing also means to mess up another one ... but that is different story. smile

I challenge you ...
Name one thing that cannot be changed, and i proove you it can. wink

Originally Posted by Blade238
7.) They WERE getting enough data when it was first released with a variety of different players and a better sample population, then they killed their playerbase and were left with Rag and company as their rather biased sample grouping that they draw conclusions from to essentially support their own narrative. The people that took issue with the companions or gameplay or the way it was designed are likely no longer playing and haven't been since patch one or two (like myself).
I dont understand this sentence.

Originally Posted by Blade238
8.) Yes, let's take barrels for example. Something that constantly targeted on their forums and yet nothing is done about.
"Nothing is done about" ...

As far as i remember i was able to stuck at least 5 Barrels to my 8Str Wizard inventory during tutorial in the past ...
Now i need at least 12 (? not sure here) Str to at least pick it up, and still i can drag only 3 at once if i strip off all my gear and i accept that i will be unable to run, unable to jump, unable to climb any ladder (not exactly problem in tutorial, but you get the idea) and every Ability roll, attack roll, and saving throw will be made with Disadvantage ...

Seem like lot of restrictions compared to "nothing is done about" laugh

Sadly Larian decided to listen only to negative feedback, so they didnt decide to incerase blast raidus, or damage, they didnt add bleeding damage to all in certain radius who fail saving throw, to mimic shrapnels flying around (i mean when Barrel of blackpowder will explode, its parts dont vaporize usualy :P ).
Well, maybe in the future. :P

Originally Posted by Blade238
9.) Oh golly Rag, I dunno...
I know, i just wanted YOU to say it. smile
I was hoping it will help you to realize that. laugh

Originally Posted by Blade238
1.) the terribly designed puzzles that everyone and their mother cheesed?
2.) The surface effects that were bitched about at length and nothing was done about it, only to double down on it in a game and playerbook that doesn't even support it?
3.) The teleporting all over the map that was streamlined into the cartoonish and asinine superhero jumping?
4.) Any companion complaints that appear to have been used as a checklist to make their next game's companions?
5.) The map suffering from the same design flaws as this game?
6.) Or how about the widely criticized armor system...
7.) I could list a ton of crap that I took great issue with and seem to have been likewise an issue for a number of players, at least enough that one would think they wouldn't have copied it into the next game that's in an entirely different IP.
I kinda like your idea with numbers, so i use it for this quote. laugh

1.) No ieda what are you talking about ... not specific enough ... in my eyes: "Something was too easy for me ... wanna know what? Gues!"
2.) This is specific and tells me something ... except that effect from Cantrips was removed from the game, so im kinda confused about that "nothing was done" part. O_o I would more say it was not quite finished ... since i believe Elemental Arrows should have get same threatment.
3.) As far as i know you can only teleport to certain places, and all that you miss if you do is walking to nearest waypoint ... also, there is litteraly nothing stoping you to do exactly that. laugh ... Jumping was resolved by split Jump and Disengage in last patch, that i allready mentioned. O_o
4.) What? laugh
5.) Nope.
6.) I dont know about any widely criticized amor system ... so ... dunno i gues. laugh
7.) What could i say ... i have my doubts. :-/ I believe you could easily repeat the same statement over and over with different words, but you really have problems to point out to specific things ... its hard to talk in such matter, when other side dont even tell you specificly what is bothering them. :-/

Originally Posted by Blade238
I COULD sit here all day posting and write a novel on the types of changes and suggestions I would make to the game that I feel would drastically improve it
I bet you could. smile
But i dont want you to ... all i wanted was either few easy examples ... or understanding that its not so easy. laugh

See other people for inspiration if you want ...
Good examples of content i have seen on multiple media would be:
- Next location (Shadowlands / Across the Ebon Lake / Githyanki Creche)
- Next companion (as you mentioned) ... probably not Karlach tho, since we dont have her class yet no matter wich that is
- Next class (wich we get ... just not the one you wanted, tough life i know)
- Next sub-class (personaly i for example cant wait for Necromancer, since some summonner class would alter gameplay experience a lot)
- More side quests ... prefferably some that would lead to non-Origin companion ... i can imagine that would make many people exited.
- More spells (that is allways nice smile and there is many we still miss)
- More dialogue options in cases when something is missing (personaly i created whole topic dedicated to this)
- More items (Weapons, armors, magical artefacts ...)
- Some real closure for things that seems like cliffhangers (specificly: Necromancy of Thay)
- CRAFTING SYSTEM (wich would potentialy mean a LOT of new interesting content)

See? smile Not hard and it didnt take so long. wink

Now compare this list to your expressions in the past:
"Again, there's not enough content added to "try" it."

Wich one is more informative in your eyes? wink
That was my point. smile

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 12/10/21 01:14 PM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
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Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
i finished this game aproximately 20-30 times by now (515,6 hours) ...
And i can tell you with one hand on heart and another on bible, that in every single gameplay i find at least one thing (no matter if that was conversation, some alternative option to solve some quest, some artefact i didnt know about) that i had no idea until then that it was there. smile

That's impressive, Ragnarok. It makes me wonder, though, how differently we're experiencing the same game. To me, the prospect of such a small a discovery wouldn't warrant a new playthrough. For example, I anticipate playing two new games in patch 6, one with each sorcerer subclass (yay, back on topic!), but then I'll be done until patch 7.

Larian, please make accessibility a priority for upcoming patches.
Joined: Oct 2021
Joined: Oct 2021
Originally Posted by Flooter
[quote=RagnarokCzD]i finished this game aproximately 20-30 times by now (515,6 hours) ...
For example, I anticipate playing two new games in patch 6, one with each sorcerer subclass (yay, back on topic!), but then I'll be done until patch 7.

Even though there will be a new area, Grymforge?

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Location: Liberec
Originally Posted by Flooter
It makes me wonder, though, how differently we're experiencing the same game.
A lot differently, as it seems. ^_^

To me is not prospect itself ... that is just side effect, i just thought that i would like to try it again ... and then i usualy notice something i didnt previously. smile
Or it works exactly in the other way, i watch some video ... or browse the wiki for something ... and something catch my eye, obviously i need to go try it myself imediatly. laugh

Im also looking forward for Sorcerer (Monk would make me happier, but w/e (or Barbarian ... but that would be odd without Half Orc)).
Personaly im really curious about Wild magic, so that will be probably my first choice ... and if there is something im really looking forward, its synergy between Gale and my Sorcerer ... i really hope they will be able to tease each other. :P

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
Joined: Jul 2019
Joined: Jul 2019
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
That was my point. smile
Interesting, especially when you intentionally remove the examples I provided in your reply. Rag, it's pointless to discuss anything with you. You either say it's a language barrier thing, simply dismiss any criticism or skirt around it. I knew that prior to responding since I've seen it plenty enough with your interactions with others, but wanted my gripes out there.

Take this as a concession, I really don't care. It's far too much time to waste talking into the void and I won't waste my time on it. I've voiced my discontent on one of the worst EA I've seen and that's good enough for me.

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Location: Liberec
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Location: Liberec
Originally Posted by Blade238
Interesting, especially when you intentionally remove the examples I provided in your reply.
Did i? O_o
Im not aware ... can you quote me just them, so i dont misstake it with anything else?

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
Joined: Aug 2021
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Originally Posted by organichilimango
Even though there will be a new area, Grymforge?

Who’s Grymforge? Am I Grymforge?

Oh, I’m being told that’s the name of a new area that will be unveiled in about 40 hours. Also, the patch may be available by the end of the week.

Well color me hyped!

Larian, please make accessibility a priority for upcoming patches.
Joined: Apr 2020
Joined: Apr 2020
RagnarokCzD, man your posts are exhausting eek

Last edited by Gt27mustang; 12/10/21 11:20 PM.
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