Originally Posted by kanisatha
Sorry, don't buy this claim at all. I don't see EA sales being 2 million right now. Furthermore, and more importantly, I see the EA sales as NOT being the tip of the sales iceberg and rather as the BULK of sales for the game. In other words, people who like this game have already bought it in EA, and there are not that many people left out there who will be buying it after it comes out of EA. I see total sales at no more than 5 million max, under the best of circumstances, which is what DA:O sold, so not at all an impressive showing for a AAA game.

Hmm, curious. What would be a good showing, if something around 5 million isn't? When we look at things like Skyrim, how many of those sales are people buying multiple copies? I have 2, one for PC, and one for XBox. Am I the only one, or are there millions of others just like me? How many of those are going to buy the latest edition, that's slated for release due to it's anniversary?

How many people that may be interested took Larian's advice from the store fronts, and are waiting for full release, or for reviews after full release? From where I'm sitting, even just the million copies is a decent enough showing for a AAA game. It certainly shows that there's a reason to develop and release the game, even if it just doubles the initial sales. If it hits 5 million, it would put it in line with some of the most popular RPGs out there. There's this post https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=786065#Post786065 that shows that ME 2 sold 5 million copies. I guess that game isn't as popular as the internet would lead us to believe? I mean, if 5 million copies is a lackluster showing, it can't be all that popular, right?