Who's debating religion? I was just giving food for thought.

Many ask, "Why should I accept Christ?"

I ask, "Why not?"

Even, let's just say, I'm wrong. What are the benefits?

1. I believe my moral crimes are forgiven, so I'm not weighed down by guilt.
2. I trust everything is going to work out okay, no matter how bad it gets.
3. I learn to be a better person and less of a jerk; a work in progress.
4. I feel bad when I hurt people, do it makes me want to change my ways.
5. I believe I will live forever in paradise, so not as much fear of death.
6. I have someone worth living for even when everyone else fails me.
7. I know I'm loved, even when no one else loves me.
8. I receive guidance in making decisions so I don't ruin my life as often.
9. I get miracle after miracle happening in my life that can't be simple coincidence, like sudden financial support days before losing everything, a loan being approved just days before getting kicked out of my apartment so I can buy a house for my family in a whole different state God told me to move to, healing when there was no medical cure, etc.
10. In short, peace, joy, and love.

What are the benefits to not believing?

1. I can do whatever I want and numb my conscience so I don't feel guilty about it. I never have to answer, really, to anyone. I can live 100% how I want and trample whoever I want under my feet because, after all, if I don't answer to a higher power, who is there to be good for? Why not eat, drink, cheat, steal and kill as long as it makes me happy, because my next breath could be my last?

Anyway, not debating. Just my viewpoint.