Indeed they do, but don’t you think that after filling the world with grass tiles they need to place the houses, the fences and every rock and tree that act as a three-dimensional object behind which you may hide?
Are those 3D objects TILES too?
The loading time you see on the Divinity-sward-meter MUST include populating the world with every object you might use other than the randomly generated items that never come to be until you identify them.
Do you think that the game shall load the objects within a house every time you enter it and unload it every time you leave it? If you do then you are wrong. If you do not think so then you certainly agree that the world tiles and objects must be loaded once you travel to that world. If you do agree again then what I taught you was correct from start and needed not all that argumentation from you.

I fail to see why it needs to load everything possible. You can't jump throught the game to an arbitrary loction so loading everything outside a few screens of your range is useless. The world maps are huge and so are the amount of creatures and items on them. It's a waste of space to have them all loaded when nobody can see them. Actually I played a debug version of Divinity once and I could jump to any location anywhere on the map. After jumping the map was empty. It contained all the 'fixed' objects like the trees, plants, fences and houses, but all the dynamic objects took a short time to show up. The static map alone is already a few hundred megabytes in size, let alone a map filled with everything it needs to have.

I especially like this statement from you:
Who told you that what you believe to be true must be true! It is not true.

You might consider applying this on your own beliefs. Unless you have a trackrecord on designing games or spend time with the Larians while they were developing, all of what you say is speculation.
In my programming career I've seen different people tackle the same problem in differen ways with different effects. I've come to belief that there is no single solution for any given problem. Any solution can be improved upon.

All those are programming glitches that can be improved when the team at Larian Studios gain the required experience through fan-feedback. They are quite capable people you know but they need to be more professional than genius.

Duh! That's some statements you fearlessly make there.

I am telling you what we teach in the University for the want-to-be-programmers.

You have to be kidding me. What is taught in University is the one and only truth? LOL

But I DID write the Gospel on the subject of concern.
You may wish to debate with other students as you wish, but with me on electronics and information technology please do not refrain from asking and I shall be very generous. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

Maybe Lar should consider hiring you, there is nothing better than to have the God of game programming at your side. Please if you do intend to enlighten us again with your answers for our mere mortals could you also add the list of games you worked on and bedazzle us with your expertise and knowledge?

See me @ The Locus Inn & RPGWatch