Can we please get an announcement on when to expect a patch 6 update on Stadia?
Nobody will give you estimated time, bcs then people would be swearing on Larian that they didnt keep their promise ... even if there was specificly written "we hope so, this isnt a promise and it will be only if everything will go well" ... with huge, bold, underlined, red and sparkling font.
Its good that you understand that its technical dificiulties ...
Yet understand also that there is a lot (and i mean really lot, like thousands, maybe even ten-thousands) people who are not as bright, or understanding (strike out what does not apply) as you are and will blame larian for doing this on some purpose, bcs they "dont threat all platforms the same" for some unknown reason. -_-
All you can do is hope ...
And believe that they would never ever willingly sabotage their own project, so they will certainly do whatever they can to fix this as soon as possible.