I'm not for spellcomponent at all but I'd really like to have to manage ammo. Very unpopular opinion though.

Originally Posted by 1varangian
I would prefer limited arrows from a mechanical point of view. The fact that you can run out of ammo would bring more depth to tactical combat. Do you save your arrows for a situation where you really need them and use melee weapons in easier fights? Is your archer build versatile and good with a melee weapon too? With unlimited arrows you can just go all in on ranged without having to consider that at all.

I wouldn't mind a system that would automatically retrieve some % of unbroken arrows after combat though, because carrying 700 arrows is a bit silly too.

So much this.
And I'll add that going in town (or grove, or Inn,...) would become meaningfull.

It was really cool in the old games. After a long and dangerous journey through dungeons and various area, you were going back to town to rest safely and to prepare your next adventures.

In BG3 you just teleport to camp to rest, then eventually teleport to a random vendor to sell some stuff. In the end it does not give the feeling to be a part of the journey but a required job that only has weight management purpose.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 18/10/21 03:55 PM.

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