+1 for limited ammo and specific slot for ammo in inventory. I think that the level of extra management it would add is less of a nuisance than the benefit of having to necessarily think about your tactics, e.g. do I rely on my wizzard being a ranged support character or do I use my spells, do I travel to camp/store to refill on ammo, potions, etc. or do I take the risk of going deeper into the dungeon with only 30 arrows or bolts left? I can see why people would hate it nowadays, but adding it as an option to the 'core' difficulty setting would be great. Also if there will ever be a crafting system, it would be awesome to have my ranger (or whatever class is allowed to do this in 5E) produce arrows or even enchant normal arrows to add poison or other effects to them. This should not even be a true crafting mechanic but perhaps more of a 'camp activity' thing with only 'special' ammo crafting necessitating resources, the idea being that wood and arrowheads are easy to come by (and thus assumed to be owned by any adventurer) but poison ingredients would be rare. So when going to camp that you could chose to either replenish your ammo (no resources needed) or craft special ammo requiring both a character with that specific skill or recipe and the required resources.