old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Thanks to Larian for Baldurs Gate 3 and the reaction to player feedback
Joined: Feb 2021
So, I think this is the area to put it. I just wanted to throw a couple of suggestions for races/subclasses out here, A.) Because these are some of my favourites and I really hope they get added, B.) I am hoping to see other people play around and experience them (I don't play a lot of dnd but I really love it) and C.) I think that these are really cool and they can add some great encounters that can help shape more unique experiences within the world. Now, without further ado, the races:
Deep Gnome: Ok, so, this is assuming that Gnomes get added in. Deep Gnomes are really cool little guys that will help encourage thinking about the stealth aspects of the game (stone camouflage, I believe it's called). Also, Deep Gnomes already exist within the world and we can see them in-game! Though, this might work as a detractor because they are supposed to be rarer and if you see one within the character creator it would make rescuing the Deep Gnome from the windmill seem less extraordinary. Though I feel that because they are rare, this could greatly add to their uniqueness as more races are going to be surprised by seeing them, this would also boost the existence of races hailing from the Under-Dark that would have special interactions with the Drow. Deep Gnomes likely have a history with the Drow as Drow are typically conquerers and subjugators, this would give different options for interacting with Minthara and her crew. (As an aside to this, I would like to see if there can be some DIalogue options with the Drow turned to stone by the Beholder in the Underdark. They really interest me and I was hoping they wouldn't be hostile to my Lolth-sworn Drow, but alas they were)
Goblin: So, I must admit that this one is quite selfish. I have a character concept that I want to play as but haven't had the opportunity. Aside from playing my College of Valor Goblin Bard who is terrified of everything and everyone but sings the songs of heroes to give herself courage, Rosemary Blackthorn, I also think that Goblin would just be more fun to play as. It would add more interesting experiences when interacting with the goblins who are worshipping the absolute. Currently, you get special interactions from playing as a Drow, someone who is usually high on the totem pole, but imagine playing as a Goblin, you certainly won't be intimidating them because you are a Drow and therefore usually someone to command them, but instead you are a Goblin, someone who is a grunt and is sent out to do the dirty work, you could earn a name for yourself (maybe Minthara might even let you live, provided you take none of the glory). Additionally, tons and tons of Goblin assets already exist in the game, so it would most likely be easier to implement into the game than some of my other suggestions.
Kobold: This one is also a more selfish suggestion. Kobolds are my favourite race to play. They are so small, and almost dog-like but with reptile bodies. I just think they are extremely cute and would love to see them. I understand if they don't get added, it might be a lot of unnecessary work to add in the textures and try and find a place to fit them into the world, it wouldn't be very easy. I love them though so I will still try for an argument. Kobolds might be found to be working with groups such as mountain dwarves, being the natural miners that they are, and have a faction who are basically mercenaries that work by night. I also just now realise that Sunlight Sensitivity would be a thing so another detractor for many people (though this might be an opportunity to allow the different shadings of light affect gameplay. Meaning the clear, lightly obscured and fully obscured settings). It would be difficult, still, I would be doing a disservice if I hadn't tried.
Tortle: I saw some whispering that this might be coming because of a book next to Bex. I very much enjoy Tortles, and one of my Tortle characters will actually influence one of my subclass suggestions. Tortles are great for having an inherently tanky character on the front lines. I love them. They would also be a good way to have some special areas that can only be accessed by certain spells or races, I am thinking of watery areas here. Maybe there is a location that is hidden underwater, you wouldn't have to include more verticality here, but there could be an opening/door system that can only be gone through if you are under the effects of a water breathing spell or you are playing a race/class that has specific water-breathing or breath-holding abilities.
That is all for the races. As you can probably tell, I have a preference for the smaller races, I think that they are tons of fun and really cool! I hope someone will read this because it's a long one and there is even more to go! Now, onto the subclasses:
Circle of Spores: This is the one that I said was influenced by my Tortle. Though, I feel that there could be somewhat of a legitimate argument for this. The myconids that we meet in the Underdark likely would have some words to say if they met a druid that was connected with the circle of Life and Death, one whom also had the ability to use spores. They might feel more inclined to treat this druid with respect, giving them a gift or maybe teaching them a new spell. Or, perhaps someone like Glut would see them as a usurper, someone who can be used an immediately turned upon when they have done their service. Circle of the spore druids are also relatively new and it would prompt players to look outside of the player's handbook to find things, which I think would be awesome!
Oath of Redemption: This one I also feel like could have a strong argument. Oath of Redemption paladin focuses on the rehabilitation of foes, rather than the destruction of them. It would be awesome to see some moments specific to Oath of Redemption where a villain who was previously unable to be talked down, is able to because you are just so adjusted to helping people along, this could open up new story pathways where a former enemy, might just be there to help you out, provided you keep helping them along the path of redemption. This is the one that I am the most excited about, and if you ignored anything and everything else but this, I would be a happy, happy man. This subclass would also emphasize the going the pacifist route, which I've recently tried and find it to be rather difficult. I bring up the pacifist route because it seems like something that Larian Studios wants to emphasize as an option and make it available (I gather this from the "Inspiration, Freedom & Pacifism" community update). Again, I would highly suggest adding this in, it can be tons of fun and might even add a few really enjoyable moments to the game!
School of Necromancy: While watching the Panel from Hell 1 video in anticipation of the Panel from Hell 2 video, I saw that the Creative Director seemed to want people to try the more nefarious route, and I am sure that the School of Necromancy would boost the want for people to do this. I don't know if you already plan to add it, you are including a good amount (if not all) of the content from the Players Handbook, but just in case you weren't. This is a great one. And, it doesn't necessarily have to be for an evil character, perhaps some of the more radical, nature-infused minds of the world will recognize necromancers as upholding a vital part in the balance of nature. This could also be an argument for the Grave Cleric subclass which I also would not mind.
Final words: I love this game, and I really hope to see plenty of unique interactions and a variety of gameplay options. If you are only reading this part because the rest is too long (I don't blame you) I want to refer you to the Oath of Redemption part, that is the one that I want to hammer in the hardest, I think that it can be tons of fun and that it would add a great deal to the game! I love you all.
Last edited by RedPandaLuver; 16/02/21 03:37 AM. Reason: I closed the parenthesis in the Oath of Redemption section, for grammar!
Joined: Jan 2017
I didn't even realize that this subforum existed until one of the feedback threads was moved here. Is there any chance of having feedback-related megathreads just stickied in the feedback subforum? It's weird that the same kind of feedback lives in two different places based on how long the thread is and it's really easy to miss the threads that live here.
Joined: Oct 2020
Yeah I still think that too.
I just wish more energy had been spent before actually launching the EA to really set up a more impressive and dedicated forum portal specifically for this game. This forum feels like it's a dozen years old, probably because it is lol.
Rather than adding more sub sections to the existing developer's forums for the Divinity games, or allowing this to become a space for speculation months before the EA was even out, we could have launched a whole new spot. With like BG themed avatars, sidebars, image attachments, flying news headers and such, or other features to lean harder into the D&D angle. Maybe invest in some D&D themed emojis and whatnot so the feel would be more exclusive to BG3. I think this clearly bled over into the attitude that Baldur's Gate was being approached as a continuation of the existing Divinity franchise, since we're basically on the Divinity forums to do all the feedback for it.
Short of that, I wish at least for a completely separate and invisible section only accessible to Early Access players. Not that they couldn't have a more open general public space too, but it's just annoying if these forums are allowed to morph into another version of the Steam Forums or Reddit or whatever, where everything gets buried in a crossover rando flurry. Could have shored up a ton of the sprawling ramble factor at the outset with a little more attention to curating the discussion prompts or organizing stuff on the front end. It's hella hard to clear a path after letting it get this overgrown. Maybe blank slate it and launch a new forum/portal when the game goes live, but it would have been better I think during EA.
ps. Also, do these boards have an excessively long load time from the main page for others? I'm really only interested in the 6 sections that have to do with the BG3 game, but to get there that way, I had to load like 72 sections worth of old stuff from the main forum directory. I just have the BG sections bookmarked in my browser now, but even there it still takes a noticeably long time to load. I know its nice to have a big archive and multiple language formats spanning a couple decades worth of game development, but still, that's like way way more than I need out of this place lol. I'm just here for the Baldur's Gate. If you click the "Forums" tab from the game launcher it should take us directly to the relevant BG3 directories.
Also finally, the title of this thread and the forum section mentions "guides" but I don't think that's really how its being set up. Right now it is more of survey or repository of hotbutton design type conversations. I think it should be called something more like that maybe so people understand what they're diving into? Any Guides type section should probably be pulled from the "Help Tips and Tricks" section. I still think the General forum could use an introductions thread, and some more curated stuff in stickies too. Focused feedback threads are pretty interesting, but I can't even remember where to look for them after like a week of activity hehe. Flaming fist divine intervention on bumping interesting stuff please
Last edited by Black_Elk; 05/03/21 04:52 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I wish we could also rate feature requests on here so we could actually tell which ideas are popular
Joined: Feb 2020
Could we please have a day/night cycle thread in this mega thread section please ?
There's many conversations about it everywhere and some threads have many pages. I'd love having a unique thread to discuss and share (New) feedbacks or suggestions.
Last edited by Maximuuus; 23/03/21 05:04 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
We should have a thread about the reactions and reaction system!
Larian Alumni
Larian Alumni
Joined: Jun 2018
Day/night cycle and reactions now added to megathreads.
Joined: Feb 2020
Day/night cycle and reactions now added to megathreads. Thx a lot !
Joined: Dec 2020
As silly as this may sound I think after nearly five months it wouldn't be a bad idea if an update was released. There you all go now you can amuse yourselves by attacking me for not being patient enough. Pretty much the only entertainment your likely to get from this game.
Joined: Aug 2021
Hi! If I understood correctly, this is the right place to write a suggestion regarding the developement of Baldur's Gate 3.  I don't think this one needs it's own topic as I feel there's not much more to it than what I came up with ...other than exceptions to the situations mentioned below. And honestly this is a polish kind of thing. My suggestion would be related to the dialogue scenes. The idea would be that when you hovering over a select dialogue line with a skill-check, your character facial expression would smoothly trasition over to express that specific intention. How I imagine it is like that the animation would have some small delay to start after hovering, so jumping between the options wouldn't create a weird back-and forth changes in the facial expression, making it more subtle and immersive. Most easily this would be functioning with the deception, intimidation, persuasion checks. What I imagined as quick examples for these actions the character would do the following mimikry: deception - a smirk, menacing smile intimidation - maybe the camera angle could change and show a more dark, scary expression persuasion - a kindhearted / confident smile I know the above would not fit into every situation...I can also see the counter-argument for the deception one, which beign: if you want to deceive someone you would not show any ill intent on your face. However I feel like that seeing our character while thinking about which dialogue option to go for is more of an an "inner" perspective, and not a real life representation of a conversation viewed from a third person, and therefore as an inner-self interpretation could still hold up in my opinion. Thank You for Your time reading this! Cheers
Joined: Nov 2020
Why does it take so long for BG 3 to either load or reload? I've got games like Doom and BG for which reload within sends and they are as much as 20 years old or more and with 6 patches and who knows how many hotfixes it's still taking up to 3 minutes to reload the game? This should have been fixed long ago as there is no reason for which a new game should take so long to load. Even saving the game takes a while now and it didn't before.
Also in Patch 6 in the quest "Find the missing shipment" I think that one there is bugged. When Wyll used the spell Mysti Step to gain the High ground by where the ladder is the battle started and once it started all my other players were frozen in place where they were and I couldn't get them to move, attack, or anything because they weren't including right away. Also what the heck is the gnomes AC and saving throws for that quest? That was the worst battle I've been in this playthrough and I had a heck of a time hitting with anything; didn't matter whether it was a spell or weapon. Even if I had 100% chance to hit I'd get a critical miss. Yet most time of the time there strikes on one of my members would land. It was like I was battling a group of 20th level foes and I was only 3rd level.
Joined: Oct 2020
Thats bcs this game is loading whooooooole map at once.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Nov 2020
Thats bcs this game is loading whooooooole map at once. Still they should have figured out a way to correct this as long as the game has been in Early Access. Even Skyrim which is a lot bigger game with more resources to load takes next to nothing to load.
Joined: Nov 2020
I'm at waukeens rest on the Druid rescue mission. Now I've got the Ranger with Wasteland Wanderer: Fire and the Ranger have taken a potion of Fire Resistance. which means I shouldn't be taking any damage at all from the fire but I'm taking damage like I've not taken the potion nor have the Wasteland wanderer: Fire. What is up with that there? After all, just with the fire resistance potion, I shouldn't be taking any damage but I'm dead in no time when I try to rescue that man that is trapped in there. What good is a "Fire Resistance" potion if it doesn't work? Better off leaving it out of the game.
Last edited by DragonMaster69; 20/10/21 11:49 AM.
Joined: Jun 2020
I'm at waukeens rest on the Druid rescue mission. Now I've got the Ranger with Wasteland Wanderer: Fire and the Ranger have taken a potion of Fire Resistance. which means I shouldn't be taking any damage at all from the fire but I'm taking damage like I've not taken the potion nor have the Wasteland wanderer: Fire. What is up with that there? After all, just with the fire resistance potion, I shouldn't be taking any damage but I'm dead in no time when I try to rescue that man that is trapped in there. What good is a "Fire Resistance" potion if it doesn't work? Better off leaving it out of the game. No, that's not how resistance works, I'm afraid... As I mentioned to you, DragonMaster69, the last time you posted this: Resistance doesn't stack, and it doesn't measure percentages per se. You're either resistant, in which case you take half damage from the damage type, or you are not, in which case you take full (or potentially, you might be vulnerable, and take double but that's exceptionally rare). If your Ranger has fire resistance then she is taking half damage from all sources of fire already, and that's it. Unless you have something that will grant you immunity to fire damage, that's the best she can do - there is no such thing as double resistance. You are taking damage as though you hadn't drunk the potion, because you are already fire resistant, and the potion has no further effect on you. You'd be better off giving it to someone who is not already resistant.
Joined: Oct 2020
Thats bcs this game is loading whooooooole map at once. Still they should have figured out a way to correct this as long as the game has been in Early Access. Even Skyrim which is a lot bigger game with more resources to load takes next to nothing to load. Thats bcs Skyrim works differently ... In Skyrim only nearby surrounding is loaded ... if your pc is slow enough you can even see textures (and sometimes even characters) getting loaded. So if you are for example in Riverwood, game dont have Whiterun loaded ... bcs its purely single player game ... Here, if you are at beach, game need to load everything ... including Waukeen's rest, Goblin camp, Hag's Teahouse or Gnoll Encounter. Reason is possibility of Multiplayer. Since every player can go different way, game needs to chceck whole world state at once sinve every action any of them do will affect the others and bcs game provides info about their deeds in real time. So i would not expect this to change. Now mentioning this ... I wonder how much performance would timed events take. :-/
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 20/10/21 12:38 PM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Nov 2020
I'm at waukeens rest on the Druid rescue mission. Now I've got the Ranger with Wasteland Wanderer: Fire and the Ranger have taken a potion of Fire Resistance. which means I shouldn't be taking any damage at all from the fire but I'm taking damage like I've not taken the potion nor have the Wasteland wanderer: Fire. What is up with that there? After all, just with the fire resistance potion, I shouldn't be taking any damage but I'm dead in no time when I try to rescue that man that is trapped in there. What good is a "Fire Resistance" potion if it doesn't work? Better off leaving it out of the game. No, that's not how resistance works, I'm afraid... As I mentioned to you, DragonMaster69, the last time you posted this: Resistance doesn't stack, and it doesn't measure percentages per se. You're either resistant, in which case you take half damage from the damage type, or you are not, in which case you take full (or potentially, you might be vulnerable, and take double but that's exceptionally rare). If your Ranger has fire resistance then she is taking half damage from all sources of fire already, and that's it. Unless you have something that will grant you immunity to fire damage, that's the best she can do - there is no such thing as double resistance. You are taking damage as though you hadn't drunk the potion, because you are already fire resistant, and the potion has no further effect on you. You'd be better off giving it to someone who is not already resistant. Well it seems that nol matter who takes the potion of fire resistance they burn up. I don't care if it's Lae'zel, Wyll or shadowheart. The potion is bugged
Joined: Oct 2020
Potion dont prevent burning... It only halvens the amount of damage you get from fire ... and as Niara said it dont stack ...
So if your character allready is resistant to fire damage it does nothing and that is corect by design.
So if you stand in fire you get 1d4 fire damage + you can get Burning status that gives another 1d4 per turn ... If you stand in fire with fire resistance (no matter if from race or potion) situation is same but your damage recedived is reduced to half ... so 1d4/2 And if you havw racial resistancw AND potion they dont stack so still 1d4/2 With resistance firw still burns only slower.
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 21/10/21 07:18 AM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Nov 2020
I may be mistaken so please correct me if I'm wrong. Did they not change it in this latest patch so that when you strike with your off-hand weapon if it has things like Concussive Strike or Backbreaker for example that you get with the Intransigent Warhammer; or Lacerate which is on the Ritual Axe; Or the Shattered Flail that heals 1d6 that you can use get them whether you have it equipped in your right or left hand? Or am I misunderstanding this here? Or is that like if it's a 1d8 +1 it will add the +1 to the off weapon?
Fixed attack roll with off-hand weapon not applying a bonus from the ability modifier.
And if I am can someone explain to me what it actually means?
Last edited by DragonMaster69; 21/10/21 10:16 PM.