Getting cut scene crash consistently on default settings using Vulkan with a Radeon VII card on current driver. This crash occurs on Nautolid ship on the scene change when my character climbs back up the transponder and grabs it (crash as it moves to next scene). It worked fine on my first character (Sorc) but crashes on my second character Thief at 50% hit points) every time at the same location (cant get past that point on this character). Not sure what is triggering the crash, and why it's not working for second character, but worked for first one.

Also getting a graphic phenomenon in the first scene, making the skin on my Drow characters look mottled and diseased on the close up shots during cut scenes (not smooth, or showing skin pores, but something really strange in skin texture. Almost as if there is another texture overlaying the skin (that's very ugly).

Neither issues were present in prior patches I have tested (2-5), so this is something new for patch 6.